Cyclotron fixture table

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2D Modular fixture welding table zoom in

Cyclotron 2D welding table (25mm slot)

2d slotted welding table

2D welding table can be connected and shape-changing in any manner according to the workpiece

It has 1 precision machined surface.

The gap between the two plates is 25mm
High precision makes it easy for welding and clamping purposes.

Clean– Compared to the rusty, heavy fixtures it is rust free and clean.

Antispatter surface– It has an anti-spatter surface protecting from welding spatters, thus offering lifetime accuracy of the table.

Hole diameter– 16mm

Hole center distance– 50mm

Top Plate thickness– 16/12 mm

Flatness-0.4/1000 mm

Loading Capacity– 1 to 7 ton

Top Plate Material– Steel IS 2062

Frame Material– Steel IS 2062

Surface coating– Powder coated

Top Plate– Standard/ Nitrided